150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, July 19, 2023

Minutes for the San Antonio Village Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors
Monthly Meeting July 19, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Dawn Lucian at 7:03pm. Other board members present were Diane Kirchner (Vice President), Mike Porter (Treasurer), and Cindy Capra (Secretary). Also present were General Manager Daniel Ortiz and 5 homeowners.

1. Minutes from previous meeting were approved with a correction in the wording of item 1—Mike Porter made a motion to approve minutes and it was seconded by Diane Kirchner.

With those changes a motion to approve the corrected minutes was made by Mike Porter and seconded by Diane Kirchner. The Board approved the minutes from the previous meeting held on June 21, 2023.

2. Financials:

a. June 30, 2023 is the end of our fiscal year 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023. The new fiscal year budget was sent out to everyone end of May 2023.

b. The financials are preliminary for the fiscal year. End of this month July our CPA will make some adjustments and then the final for the fiscal year will be completed.

c. Gross revenue was right on target for the year with a slight increase in interest and rec room income. General Liability was higher than anticipated, and federal/state taxes have not been booked yet to the financials. Irrigation cost was a bit higher due to some upgrades to the irrigation system to hopefully reduce costs in future. Water expense was $17k less than budgeted due to better conservation. Gas and electricity were under budget due to a two month pool closure. Overall once adjustments are made the net will probably be reduced by at least $12k—still resulting in a positive to budget net of $10k for the year.

d. Beginning this fiscal year 7/1/2023 the reserve allocation will be separated out so it is clearer what is being contributed to the reserve fund and what is being spent from the reserve fund. There will be a separate reserve report produced for this purpose.

e. One homeowner asked if she could get a copy of the financials to review. The board suggested if she want to review to ask Daniel and he could meet with her in the office. Additionally it was agreed that having a few copies of the financials available to the homeowners during the meeting was okay as long as they were collected after the meeting and not taken outside.

f. A motion to approve the 2022/23 fiscal year financials was made by Diane Kirchner and seconded by Dawn Lucian. The board approved the financial statement.

3. Architectural Change Requests:

a. 5042-B Calle Real: Proposed replacement of existing screen door with a security door. The color will be confirmed. The Board (motion to approve by Cindy Capra and seconded by Mike Porter) approved the changes.

b. 13B N San Marcos Rd – Proposed replacement of 6 windows to dual pane. The homeowners are obtaining a third quote and will then decide. It was suggested replacing one of the upper windows in the living room with an open/close option. A motion to approve changes was made by Dawn Lucian and seconded by Mike Porter. The board approved the proposed changes. The Homeowners will let Daniel know which vendor they will end up using – probably Bella Windows.

4. Management Report

a. Annual meeting will be held on 9/20/23 – information for the upcoming meeting will be sent out by 7/27/2023. The information will include details about the annual meeting and the election of the new board. The ballots and the bios will be mailed out by 8/14/2023. Any Homeowner may contact the office to submit their name for nomination.

b. It was proposed and agreed that the board candidates will hold a forum prior to the elections to give the community a chance to meet the candidates and ask questions. A suggested possible date would be Wednesday 9/6/2023.

c. There was a request to have ballots available before the annual meeting starts in case someone did not have a chance to vote.

d. The social event will be held the weekend after Labor Day on 9/9/2023. Daniel will send out a save the date for the social event. He will also put out a request for anyone who is willing to be included on a party planning committee to plan games, etc. for the event.

e. A Homeowner requested the hedges be grown higher around the corner of Calle Real and San Marcos Rd for more privacy. Currently the condition is low fencing and low hedges.

f. A CPA provided a form regarding an Election under revenue ruling 70-604 that was signed by Dawn and Cindy. This refers to any net income for the fiscal year ending 6/30/2023 be moved into the following fiscal year beginning 7/1/2023

The meeting was adjourned at 7:57pm.